
Showing posts from December, 2018

What God says about Borders and Boundaries?

For the most part, Christians have asked me questions about what is happening on the border between Mexico and the United States; my perspective is this. We, as believers and Christians must see what the Word of God says, not what secular media or people with certain ideas think. In social networks it is very common for people to give their opinions - and - everyone has an opinion, but we must base ourselves on what the Word of God says. For this reason I clarify that this message is for Word of Faith Ministries’ Faith Partners; for people who connect with us and already know that we are a teaching Ministry. This is not for outsiders to comment on or share their opinion upon. If you disagree, then this message is simply not for you. This message is exclusively for the people, Partners of our Ministry, who are Christian believers, who believe in the Word of God and the Bible. If you do not believe in the Bible then this is not for you. Don’t waste your time writing comments express